Save St.Giles
Frequently Asked QuestionsIt won't happen, they can't just build on Green Belt in An Area Of Outstanding Natural Beauty.'Actually that's exactly what is being discussed. The Government is looking to identify areas of land that has been historically protected to build on and downgrade it. And without anyone from our village 'apparently' proposing they build in Upper Stone Meadow that's what Chiltern Council have targeted to 'start a conversation'. Instead of starting with a blank canvass we have to start the process by fighting to protect the Meadow.
I'll wait and see what happens, this is just Phase 1 of a Lengthy process?This is the critical time to make your views known about the individual site proposals, as at the next stage what is considered is only the very general 4 tests for the "soundness" of the overall strategy, rather than the detailed suitability of individual sites.
This current stage (Regulation 18) which closes March 14th 2016 is the only chance the public will be able to consider all individual site options, as the next stage (Regulation 19) will present the District Council's Preferred Options, which can then go forward to independent Examination In Public Inspector as a Plan to be assessed for its "soundness" overall. In short if Upper Stone Meadow is still being discussed in October of this year then there is almost nothing you can do to prevent it. See the calendar for the process HERE Additional link Our friends in Chalfont St Peter were presented the Local Plan document 4 weeks before Chalfont St Giles so they are better prepared. You can view their site for useful links: |
They Can't build on a FLOOD PLAINThat is exactly what is being proposed by the government all over the country even though the Environment Agency are warning about building on flood plains the government are going ahead. The government are deliberately targeting flood plains which are historically flat and close to amenities
See this recent ARTICLE in the Guardian We need more housing for young people and the elderly so lets get on with it.Absolutely, We agree but it's a shame to throw away the most protected, precious and historic land in the heart of the village at the very first opportunity.
No one said they were building 500 houses. We asked an independent assessor to calculate how many houses could be reasonably built on the Upper Stone Meadow site. He reviewed the land and maps and said he would expect a developer to build 500 homes. The Parish Council will block it See an article relating to Chalfont St Peter HERE Do you feel confident that if Chalfont St Giles Parish Council disagree with the combined force of Bucks CC and Chiltern DC in relation to this Local Plan that the District Councils will listen? So What Can I Do About It? We will publish forms and help next week on this site (well in advance of March 14th) to help you have a voice and restore some sanity. If you want to raise awareness feel free to print the FLYER HERE and distribute. Make sure you complete your Local Plan Response Form |